By an old tradition, employees of Saby Charitable Foundation pay a visit to the Bazolevs family. We got acquainted with them many years ago at a children’s party held at the S. Begalin Municipal Library, where a teenage boy was brought by a wheelchair by his grandmother.

Since that time Nikita has grown up but a severe form of ICP has remained and diseases with life difficulties have worn out Lidiya Alexandrovna. Despite the extreme poverty of this small family, the housewife does not complain, though daily household routines and caring for the paralyzed boy take a lot of physical strength while she herself has a bunch of health problems. A miserable pension and lack of assistance have not broken these courageous people but vice versa enforce them to be content with little.

To simplify their hard life, we as usually bought a stock of non-perishable food: cereal, sugar, breadstuffs, butter, tea and so on. Also our Foundation devoted some funds for remedies and key needs. It will allow the grandmother and her grandson not to feel acute need at least for some time.

For us, the old woman’s tears of gratitude are more eloquent than words.

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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