Football Ground for Youth Home

Football Ground for Youth Home The Youth Home “Zhastar Ui”, Almaty – is a social establishment which accommodates the orphans-graduates from orphan homes. Young people live there until they reach 23 years old based on a dormitory concept: they buy food, cook and pay for utility services themselves. And it is not easy to be independent after being fully supported by the Government: you need to look for a job and earn enough money to buy food and clothes, to pay for education, etc. While the Youth Home staff is trying to do everything possible to facilitate their socialization process – it is very difficult for young people to face such a contrast in their previous lifestyle and that one they have today; but it is more difficult for them to go through an adaptation process to new realities.

And here the sport comes to help young people to overcome the difficulties. Sport is like a “bridge” for young people to go to their future making them strong enough to overcome the difficulties and survive in the existing circumstances. Residents of “Zhastar Ui” enjoy playing volleyball, basketball and wrestling, but playing football – is the most popular among young people that is proved by creation of both men’s and women’s team which are successfully playing taking part in a great number of competitions of different levels.

There is the only problem – our sportsmen have no football ground to do their physical exercises and have to do that on the open ground breathing the clouds of dust. Those sponsors who are so generous to support Orphan Homes – are not so generous to support young people living in Youth Homes.

Having considered the given situation the “Saby” Charitable Foundation has decided to include “Zhatar Ui” into its program for implementation of the Project “Sports-Health-Achievements”. It is necessary to note that for a period of past few years our Foundation gives its regular support to the given Youth Home but in other areas of its development. It was decided to construct a professional sports ground for playing mini-football (total area: 800 square meters) coated with a special safety “synthetic grass” and equipped with the flood lights. The construction works are in progress, the football ground is planned to be commissioned by the 1st day of September.


“Известия Казахстан”

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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