A young student will go to the Kazakh National Conservatory under “Alem” Program

By 03.11.2010news

A young student will go to the Kazakh National Conservatory under “Alem” Program Zhasulan Sydykov – the participant under “Alem” Program about whom we have wrote earlier – has successfully passed preliminary exams at the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. Mr. Kenzhebekov U.M., the Head of Vocality Department (Faculty of Vocal and Conducting), together with the other teachers of the Kazakh National Conservatory have really evaluated Zhasulan’s excellent vocal skills.

Zhasulan’s dream finally came true – beginning November 1, 2010 a young vocalist from Kostanay is to be enrolled in a pre-entry course at the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.

Welfare Fund “Saby” will pay Zhasulan’s tuition and housing fees while his education at the Kazakh National Conservatory.

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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