On the Child Protection Day the Saby Charitable Foundation donated holiday national costumes to the Children’s Library named after S. Begalin

On the Child Protection Day the Saby Charitable Foundation donated holiday national costumes to the   Children’s Library named after S. Begalin Recently our sponsoring friends transferred Kazakh national holiday costumes for adults and children as well as musketeer costumes to the Foundation.

And we, in our turn, decided to present them to the Children’s City Library named after S. Begalin, which personnel and regular constant readers arrange for various costume theatrical holidays on a regular basis, each time presenting a real fairy-tale to their spectators at all times not similar to the previous one.

We are sure that the said gift will become an appropriate support in a further development of creative activity of the library.

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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