Courses of “Advanced” Mathematicians. Results of I year.

Courses of “Advanced” Mathematicians. Results of I year. The first academic year on the courses of ‘advanced’ mathematicians organized by Saby Foundation within the framework of “Alem” Program for 10 pupils of Almaty has completed.

The pupils who were chosen in the complex competition will have to study 5 years. But according to the results of this year we can state that our mentees have a good progress in Mathematics. Eight of them have certain “5” and only two of them got “4” in Mathematics.

We would like to distinguish the successes of the six-former, whom we named “wonder kid”. The fosterling of boarding school named after Nussipbayev, Alibayev Akezhan, easily solves mathematical problems for 8 forms, though he is the youngest in his group. The boy successfully passed testing to the Nazarbayev Intellectual School and became one of the first reservists. Insufficient high points in the Russian and English languages did not allow him to enter directly the Nazarbayev Intellectual School.

Teachers of the educational center, where lessons are held, are very pleased with mentees of Saby Foundation. The children involved in the process with great responsibility, they worked hard and almost never missed classes. Over the past eight months they built stable foundation for further mastering of favorite subject.

P.S. We are glad and even amused to say that all our young mathematicians decided to refuse of summer holidays and wanted to continue their education on courses. It turned out that such things happen.

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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