Life Begins Only At 25 25-year old Makhmut Razzakov with his parents returned from Turkmenia to Kazakhstan, the historical motherland of their family, several years ago. The whole life he wanted to appear on the halls singing national Kazakh songs to the accompaniment of his dombra. But hard destiny of the so-called repatriates (oralman) made its changes- the boy graduated technical school and started his work in a printing house.

Years passed. If it was not the significant meeting with Saby Foundation the dream about creative career could have left unrealized. The experts of Saby Foundation having held voice trial made the conclusion about the young person: “He is a real national talent and original”. As a result Makhmut received educational grant for the education in the Kazakh National Music Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, on the preparatory course of the Faculty of Traditional Music.

The adherence to your dream is the way for its realization and no matter how old you are. The young dombrist proved it.

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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