280 Tenge Save Children’s Lives!

280 Tenge Save Children’s Lives! By the efforts of charitable organizations the plenty of projects for improvement of medical and social assistance to the vulnerable social groups have been realized in Kazakhstan.

Thanks to “Give Life to Children” SMS-campaign, launched by Saby Charitable Foundation jointly with Mercy Volunteer Society in 2007, complex operations and expensive treatment of children abroad have become possible for families with humble income.

The main method of charitable assistance rendering in this project is SMS sending, which allows to make your own contribution in children’s lives saving. Subscribers of ACTIV, KCELL and BEELINE can send figure “1” or some good wishes to the short number 8099 and the sum in the amount of 280 tenge will be transferred from a telephone balance to the special account opened within the frameworks of the Campaign.

Thus, the whole society and every human being may be social responsible and valuable.

During 7 years of work the project has covered all regions of our country. Thanks to a great number of people and organizations 842 children have been received the assistance, as of April 2014. The total amount of paid operations constitutes USD 6, 489,493.

Join us, dear friends! Your 280 tenge save children’s lives!

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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