My Heart Is Hovering on the Wings of Poetry

My Heart Is Hovering on the Wings of Poetry There are especial moments in the work of our Foundation, which we want to share with you, our friends.

One of such events is the publication of the young poets’ book of poems, who write in the Kazakh language. This book contains selected writings of the most talented young people, who take part in the Annual Poetic Competition, organized by Saby Foundation. As well as the creative competition its final printed publication have became the traditional one.

New book “My Heart Is Hovering on the Wings of Poetry…” as a beloved child, we open the pages of the book tremblingly, which we so long and carefully worked at. Each letter, each sign is not occasional here: intricate interlacements of national ornaments and modern symbols bear the idea of inviolacy of times, but the necessity of alterations; unity of people, but differences of generations. The young writers write exactly about it in their works, which are full of real significance, patriotism and kindness.

Unexpectedly deep and philosophical are the ideas of young people. It is more gladly for us to represent their works to high readership. This “collected edition” will be gifted, besides the authors themselves, to the libraries of schools, where they study as well as to all schools of corresponding districts. In addition, the copies of the collected edition will be sent to the regional departments of education.

All readers of our web site have the opportunity to read and estimate the book in on-line version here. We will be glad to receive interesting reviews from you and invite you to take part in the Poetical Competition -2014.

Фонд Саби

Author Фонд Саби

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