Monthly Archives

June 2014

“Youth” Project Is Three Years Already

By | Youth Project

“Youth” Project Is Three Years Already Three years ago our charitable foundation covered the question of the trilateral agreement conclusion between Saby, “Zhilstroysberbank” JSC and the first participants of the “Youth” pilot project.

To the present day we are quite pleased with the results: four participants have become the possessors of their own flats, moreover, three of them received the flats according to the pool of Zhilstoysberbank in a house under construction in one of the new districts of Almaty city. In the nearest future the house is put in commission and the succession of housewarmings will not keep waiting.

One of the participants acquired ready flat and invited us to share with her joy. We accepted the invitation with pleasure and visited the happy possessor of precious meters. We mentioned that the young landlady furnished her house tastefully attaching to it homelike lived-in-look. Web link of the photo.

Very soon other participants will join the final straight on the way to their sacred dream – own roof over their heads.

One More “Alem” Participant Will Visit America

By | Alem – support of young talents

One More “Alem” Participant Will Visit America Two months ago we received an interesting resume from one of the applicants of “Alem” Young Talents Support Program Akhazhanov Ablaikhan. Gifted young man with great ambitions wants to change the world to the best and always strives for the achievement of stated goals.

Ablaikhan started his educational way from the physico-mathematical school. Having completed the school with honours, he entered the Almaty Energy Institute on the specialty “Radiotechnics, Electronics and Telecommunications”. Parallely Ablaikhan got the second higher education in the Moscow Energy Institute. He participated in many city and republican school academic competitions on physics and mathematics and won medal places.

Ablaikhan decided to dedicate his future to scientific work in the sphere of nanotechnologies. The beginning engineer managed to find proper laboratory in Almaty and to obtain the permit for experimental investigations of nanomaterials named “graphene”. To continue to do his hobby at more serious level Ablaikhan dreams to continue the education in UCLA California University, Los Angeles city.

Ablaikhan says: “I want to create innovative products in the market of electronic devices. I think that three main elements are necessary for the development of any innovation: technology, production and market. Technology is a scientific or engineering idea, on which the innovation is based. The production involves the processes and instruments of technology transformation into a real product. The market is responsible for the delivery of product to final user and provision of continuity of the technology-production-market cycle”.

The young man filed the request to Saby Foundation about the education financing in Master’s degree program of California University after long searches of support in other foundations and companies. Finally, having passed the multiple-stage selection in our Foundation, he received the expected grant. This encouraging news the new “Alem” participant conceived with a great joy and modest smile. It seems that a young scientist shall have such image, which combines the sense of purpose, unique talent and modest intelligence.

Results of the Fourth Poetical Contest

By | Alem – support of young talents

Results of the Fourth Poetical Contest Dear friends,

The Fourth poetical contest in the State language, annually announced by Saby Foundation, was terminated. The contest, opening creative capacities of young authors from the whole Kazakhstan, is traditionally held since January to May.

This year the main expert in the sphere of literature became Koshym-Nogai Baibota Serikbaiuly, famous poet for children, translator and a member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan and Deputy chief editor of “Baldyrgan”. He commented the works of the beginning word-painters in the following way: “I am happy to see that our rising generation has a developed metaphoric language, logical sequence in the expression of details and feelings, as well as defined dialogue with readers.”

Following the results of the contest Gilymkhanov Marlen from West Kazakhstan region was recognized as the most praiseworthy participant. He received the grand prize – the notebook. But the more valuable award, according to the participants, is the possibility to try to award educational grants of the “Alem” program. Such chance our Foundation, along with the winner, gives to the laureates, who took the second and third places, Myrzataeva Kymbat from Arkalyk and Orynbasarov Rakhymzhan from Atyrau region.

We introduce you the best works of the contest.

1 place – Gilymkhanov Marlen
Арыс ұл
Аңыз аты – Қазақ та,
Нағыз аты – Махамбет.
Ф. Оңғарсынова
Өткеріп жеткен ғасыр мұңдарын,
Азаттық таңы – асылдың зары.
…Нар ұлын аңсап жатқандай бүгін,
Тау-тау боп қызыл-жасыл құм Нарын.

Қайғының қара назына көнем,
Қысын да өмірдің жазын да көрем.
Қазақ даласын шер қылып жатыр,
Қаройда қанмен жазылған өлең.

Аршындап алға бастаған ерін,
Жоқтап бір зарлап жас төгеді елім.
Тас белгі орнатып қастерлеп жүрміз,
“Ерліктің туы – Тастөбе” жерін.

Тәуелсіз бұл күн бойлаған үдеп,
Батырдың сан түн ойлаған күні ед.
…Жарқ етіп жанып кетті ғой сөніп,
Намыспен бірге оянған жүрек.

Сезімнің дәмін татып бойда жоқ,
Тыңдаймын күйді батып ойға көп…
Өлеңі жүрек төрінде жүрген,
Айтады екен- ау ақын өлді деп?!

Ерліктің жанса арай- шамдары,
Ұлтымның тоқтар қалайша әні?!
Жауһар жырлардың құдыреті ғой,
Жігерге ораған талай сананы.

Көк пенен жерді таң қылып тұрған,
Еркіндік – елге мәңгілік думан.
Ақындық деген, батырлық деген,
Махамбет дер ем – жаңғырып туған!..

2 place – Myrzataeva Kymbat
Жылдардан жылдар шіркін барады асып…
Жылдардан жылдар шіркін барады асып,
Жаңалық ескілікпен араласып.
Бір жарым ғасыр уақыт дөңгелегі ,
Жан ата жатыр біздің араны ашып.
Жыр жазып ,дәстүр тауып, өнер іздеп,
Жемісін ұлы Абайдың тереміз деп.
Жұп –жұмыр, іші алтын ,сырты күміс
Келемін ізіңізбен өлең іздеп.
Сыр сандық көп үңілсем ашылардай,
Көңілім сізді оқып басылардай.
Қара сөз қара маржан деп білемін,
Оқимын сөздеріңді басымды алмай.
Қол созып ақ арманға, алыстарға,
Шираймын бойда қуат намыс барда.
Бұл күнде бірді жеңу оңай емес,
Таңданам мыңмен жалғыз алысқанға.
Табыну данышпанға қалған ғұрып,
Келесің ақылыңмен тамсандырып.
«Қаламқас», « Желсіз түнде…», «Сегіз аяқ»,
Бір жүрсің ұрпағыңмен ән салдырып .
Өзіңдей кейде қалам қолға аламын,
Қырандай қанат қағып қомданамын.
Қымбат боп өз әлімше өлең арнап,
Тоқжан боп қайран баба толғанамын.

3 place – Orynbasarov Rakhymzhan
Анаға сыр!
Анашым-ау, несіне қамығасың?
Өкпелетсем сәбилік бағыма сын.
Өсіргенің үшін де бас иемін
Құлдық болып жалынып арыма шын!

Анашым-ау, жасыма, мұңаймағың,
Сен мұңайсаң жүрегім, жылайды арым.
Ұл-қызыңның алдағы өмір жолын,
Уайымдаған секілді сыңайландың!

Анашым-ау,жүргенде жаным жүдеп,
Қаймықтың ба ұл-қызым “жаңылды” деп.
Өзге жерге бір түнеп келгеніңде
Ұялдым да, айтпадым “сағындым” деп!

Анашым-ау, аңсаймын сағатына,
Тұрақтандың ұлылар санатына.
Аналардың жұп-жұмсақ жүректері
Ұқсайды екен аққудың қанатына.

Анашым-ау,ескендей жақұтты леп,
Ана-құшақ өзіне шақыртты кеп.
Ұрпақтарың ұлықтап ұлы есімді
Жыр арнады денсаулық,бақыт тілеп!

Street Named after S. Luganskiу

By | The streets of southern capital

Street Named after S. Luganskiу One of Almaty streets, situated on the westward from Dostyk avenue, was named after Sergey Danilovich Luganskiy

Sergey Danilovich Luganskiy (1918—1977)

The squadron commander of the 270th fighter air regiment (the 203rd fighter aviation division, the 1st assault aviation corps, the 5th air army, Steppe Front), doubly the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Sergey Luganskiy was born on the 1st of October, 1918 in a rural family in Verniy city.

In1936 he finished junior high school and worked as a gardener. In the same year Sergey was called to the Red Army and was directed by the komsomol ticket to the Orenburg Military Academy of Aviators, after the completion of which in 1938 he did military service in the 14th aviation brigade in Pskov.

In 1939-1940 Sub-lieutenant Luganskiy participated in the Soviet –Finland War, during which he carried out 59 tactical air missions and crashed 1 aircraft of the enemy, and was awarded by the Order of the Red Star.

In the beginning of the World War II Sergey Luganskiy navigated the LaGG-3 (The Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov LaGG-3) on the deck-level attack of the enemy army. He crashed 4 aircrafts near Bataisk and Rostov-on-Don and was awarded by the Order of the Red Banner, then he crashed 4 aircrafts near Belgorod and received one more order of the Red Banner.

On the 4th of September, 1942 Commander Luganskiy drove the LaGG-3 to the frontal attack against the superior strength of the enemy, protecting the temporary bridge over the Volga for the 13th guards rifle division. He started the approach with the leader of Me-109 group. The German tried to avoid the fight, but Luganskiy hit a stabilizer of the “Messerschmitt” by a rifle and the enemy aircraft went out of the control and started to fall to the earth. Later Luganskiy changed his aircraft to the Yak-1B in the Kursk Salient and near Kharkov.

Some sources contained the information about the fact that in one of the battles Luganskiy crashed the German flying ace, Otto Fönnekold, who fell prisoner. This fact is wrong, because Fönnekold fell in the battle with the American fighter aircrafts in 1944.

For 221 tactical air missions, 18 personally and 1 in the group of crashed aircrafts of the enemy, Commander Luganskiy was given the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union and was awarded by the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No 1493) on September 2, 1943.

In one of the battles Luganskiy defeated the attack of the enemy fighter aircrafts on the Ilyushin Il-2 of the famous strafer, Talgat Begeldinov.

On the 27th of September, 1943 during the forced crossing of the Dnepr near Mishurin Rog village (Kirovohrad oblast) Sergey Luganskiy, by troops of the Steppe Front at the head of squadron, protected the Soviet attack aircrafts. His squadron met Ju-88 and He-111 groups under cover of Me-109 group on the temporary bridge and moved into the action. The attack of “Junkers” was defeated, but the “Heinkels” penetrated to the bridge. Luganskiy assaulted the enemy flagman and broke down the diving-rudder by the propeller and the enemy went out of control and crashed down on the earth. Luganskiy managed to land his defective aircraft on his airfield successfully.

In June of 1944 Luganskiy was appointed the Commanding Air Officer. On the 1st of July, 1944 Major Luganskiy was awarded by the second Gold Star medal (No 1981). In Rumania, over the Oder, he flied on the aircraft presented by the Komsomols of Alma-Ata. Luganskiy finished his battle way in Berlin. By the end of the War he fulfilled 390 tactical air missions, personally he crashed 37 aircrafts and 6 enemy aircrafts were crashed by him in the group.

In 1949 Sergey Luganskiy graduated the Military Aviation Academy. Then he served on command duties in the Air Defence Teams. In 1964 Luganskiy retired in the position of Major General. He wrote the books: “On the Steep Turns” and “The Sky Stays Clear”.

Sergey Luganskiy died on the 16th of January, 1977 and was buried in Alma-Ata.

• Two “Gold Star” medals of the Hero of the Soviet Union
• Two orders of Lenin
• Two orders of the Red Banner
• Order of Alexander Nevsky
• Two orders of the Red Star
• Medals, including the “Medal for Battle Merit”


Қазақ тілі
