Monthly Archives

May 2013

Congratulations with Day of Children Protection!

By | news

Congratulations with Day of Children Protection! 1st of June, the first day of summer and especial day for all boys and girls of our planet, is the Day of Children Protection, international holiday, celebrated in the whole world since 1950.

All children will be encompassed with care and attention. Festive performances, shows, basket lunch and promenades in parks are organized for children.

For Saby Charitable Foundation this is an especial holiday too, because the main activity of our foundation is to make life of children better, easier, more positive and more interesting.

With all our heart we congratulate all children with this wonderful, cordial and cheerful summer holiday, we wish all strong health, joyfulness and smiles!
Sincerely yours, Saby Foundation

8-Month Training for 210-Minute Testing

By | Project "Education"

8-Month Training for 210-Minute Testing   Training course for Common National Testing in one of the educational centers of the south capital, where children from affiliated boarding schools of Saby Foundation are studied, is terminated.

Several lessons are left and the results of eight-month intensive work will be summed up. The education program was uneasy, but participants showed good results on trial tests. The chances to enter chosen educational institution on grant specialties are increased for every pupil.

However, it’s early to say about successes, only after passing Common National Testing it will become clear how zealously and effectually studied children. Certainly, it is unlikely to be 100% entrance to universities, but according to the results of last years approximately 70-80% of school leavers, who passed training organized by the Foundation, won state educational grants.

Terms of Application Forms Filling and Their Considering in Saby Foundation

By | Uncategorized

Application forms for the participation in ‘Sport’ , ‘Orkendeu’ and ‘Decent Life for Disabled Persons’ Projects are accepted this year for the following year. Considering of application forms and budget approval for the following year will be carried out in November of this year. Realization of application forms (in case of their approval) will be carried out in the following year.

Acceptance of application forms for the participation in ‘Educational’ Project will be carried out in April of this year. Considering of application forms and approval of the list of participants will be carried out in May of this year. Payment for educational grants is carried out each semester beginning August of this year (in case of successful university entrance).

Acceptance of application forms for the participation in ‘Alem’ Program is carried out all this year through. Considering of application forms and approval of the list of participants is carried out during one month after receiving of application form. In case of awarding of educational grants the payment is made each semester beginning August of this year (in case of successful university entrance).

Application forms for the participation in ‘Medical’ Project are accepted all this year through. Considering of application forms and decision making about realization is carried out during 2 weeks after their receiving. In case of positive decision the terms of realization of each application form depend on its emergency, desired expenditures and availability of necessary money means on the current account.

Application forms for the participation in ‘Youth’ Project are accepted in May of this year. Considering of application forms and approval of the list of participants will be held in June of this year. Conclusion of agreements will be effected in July of this year.

New Life Keys

By | Youth Project

New Life Keys In Kazakhstan, according to the statistics, the quantity of school leavers, who graduated boarding schools and need dwelling, comprises approximately 12 thousands. The majority of children are from Almaty, where the cost of square meters makes the dream about their own house unrealizable. There are a great number of cases when young people, having left boarding schools, are stayed in the street. Orphans, trying to escape from long-term solitude, early settle down to married life and bear children, but without dwelling they often lose tutorship of their own children giving rise to the repeated cycle of orphanage.

Saby Charitable Foundation starting ‘Youth’ Pilot Project, developed special effective scheme which allows children to get long-expected flats on a preferential basis. Certainly, it is impossible to solve the problem of state scale, but to give chance of happy life to several children at least – is a good action already.

There are many volunteers, but the selection is serious. Graduates from boarding schools, orphans older than 23, with higher education, having constant work, leading active social life, having best recommendations from employers and administrations of social institutions where they were raised can participate in this project.

This year the range of lucky persons will be supplemented by two more persons. We do not know who will be lucky person that is why we wish success to all participants!

Poetical Contest – Acceptance of Application Forms Is Completed

By | Alem – support of young talents

Poetical Contest – Acceptance of Application Forms Is Completed Acceptance of application forms for the participation in the Third Poetical Contest in the state language of Alem Program is completed. We would like to mention that young talents were very active and sent to the address of referee a great number of letters with their works.

At the present time the selection of works, which will be admitted to the final, is started. On 1st of June the names of laureates will become known. The main expert of the competition, famous poet and writer Sultan Kali will express his opinion about the best participants and will give valuable advice to young talents on the pages of our website.

The aim of the poetical contest, organized by Saby Foundation, is the preservation of the Kazakh language and traditions of our nation, eduction and comprehensive support of talented and promising young people, attraction of attention of state, commercial and social institutions to this question.

We are very grateful to all participants for active living position, courage and singleness of purpose!

Our Congratulations with Victory Day!

By | news

Our Congratulations with Victory Day! Great Victory Day! The whole world has been celebrating this sacred holiday with especial awe and heartiness for 68 years already. The heroic deed of our grand fathers, who courageously fought for our country and life of future generations, will remain in hearts of descendants forever.

Tears of sorrow and joy on people’ faces who come to pay tribute to the memory of perished and to lay flowers to the Eternal light.

Dear veterans we express our profound respect and obeisance to you. We will not forget…

Our congratulations with Victory Day! We wish you strong health, longevity, peace and harmony!

Sincerely yours, Saby Foundation

About Kulyash, the Favorite of Kazakh People

By | History of success

About Kulyash, the Favorite of Kazakh People Today we remember the great Kazakh singer, lustrous person and the first Kazakh woman, who was awarded by a proud title of People’s Artist of the USSR, Kulyash Baiseitova (1912-1957). Delighted audience carried her in their own arms after every performance. First Kazakh opera ‘Kyz Zhybek’, written by Eugene Brusilovskiy, was created just for Kulyash.


Куляш Байсеитова – личность, поистине, легендарная. Она прожила короткую жизнь – всего 45 лет, но жизнь эта была яркая, озаренная всеобщей народной любовью. Признание народом таланта и искусства Куляш Байсеитовой как бы “узаконивало” то новое, что появилось в музыкальной культуре в 20 веке. Европейские жанры и формы – хоровое искусство, симфонический оркестр, опера входили в жизнь кочевой степи, не только с помощью русских композиторов и музыкантов, но и наших талантливых национальных исполнителей.

Родилась певица в г. Верном в 1912 г. В 1928 году из Кызыл-Орды в новую столицу Алма-Ату переезжает Казахский драматический театр. 17-летняя Куляш почти сразу начинает работать в нем. В то время театральный вечер составляли небольшие пьесы в первом отделении и концерты с участием певцов, инструменталистов, танцоров из числа артистов театра, во втором. Куляш выступает и в спектаклях, и в концертах. Тогда она еще пела в соответствии с национальными традициями женского вокала – низким голосом. Но очень скоро стало очевидно, что истинная ее природа – высокое колоратурное сопрано. Профессиональные вокалисты Д. Дианти, З. Писаренко и другие работали над постановкой голоса девушки. Начиная со спектакля “Шуга” по пьесе Б. Майлина, Куляш запела высоким голосом. Она сознательно сохранила близость к народной манере пения открытым звуком. Удивительный талант Куляш позволил соединить в органичном синтезе традиции русской вокальной школы и национальные особенности пения.

Успех к певице пришел с первой же постановкой музыкальной комедии “Айман-Шолпан” в 1933 году в Государственной музыкальной студии, где она выступила в роли главной героини. По всей республике звучало ее имя, и народ, опережая официальное признание, дал ей свое высокое “звание” – «казахский соловей»! А вскоре, в 1934 году, певица получила и свое первое почетное звание Заслуженной артистки КазССР.

Настоящим историческим событием нашей национальной культуры стала постановка первой казахской оперы “Кыз-Жибек”. В то время в программках указывали, что это народная музыка в обработке Е.Брусиловского. В нее вошло более 50 народных песен и кюев, подбирали их первые исполнители, среди них была и Куляш. Благодаря образу непревзойденной Кыз Жибек, Куляш покорила Москву в дни Декады казахского искусства в 1936 году.

“Я не могла бы назвать певицу, с которой можно было бы ее сравнить, до такой степени индивидуален и своеобразен ее высокий, легкий и прозрачный голос… Серебристый тембр…, действительно напоминает пение птицы, и Куляш Байсеитова заслуженно, без малейшей натяжки и преувеличения, получила название “казахского соловья”, – писала В. Барсова, выдающаяся певица, народная артистка СССР, солистка Большого театра.

Ошеломляющий успех Куляш получил столь же ошеломляющее признание всей страны – совсем еще юной (ей всего 24 года), в числе первых в Советском Союзе, ей присудили высшее звание – Народной артистки СССР!

Талант Куляш Байсеитовой многогранен. Она – блистательная исполнительница музыкально-драматических спектаклей, первая казахская профессиональная оперная и концертная певица. Благодаря Куляш, казахский народ познал мировую оперную классику и народную музыку других стран. Ее голос, чистый и полетный, с ярким характерным национальным тембром, столь привычным для нашей степи, смог сделать музыку, чуждую и незнакомую, близкой и понятной казахскому народу.

Главным в творчестве певицы была, конечно, опера. У ее истоков стояла целая плеяда замечательных голосов – Курманбек Джандарбеков, Канабек Байсеитов, Гарифулла Курмангалиев, Манарбек Ержанов. Но первое место, несомненно, принадлежит Куляш Байсеитовой. Она была не столько исполнительницей главных партий, сколько творцом оперных спектаклей, особенно национальных. Память народа до сих пор хранит незабываемые образы Кыз-Жибек, Хадиши, Акжунус, Ажар, Сары, созданные Куляш. Через нее казахский народ впервые познакомился и с классическими оперными героинями, принял и полюбил их. “Создаю ли я роль гордой Кыз-Жибек или коварной обольстительницы Акжунус, – говорила певица, – благородной Хадиши или Маро в грузинской опере “Даиси”, или трагической Баттерфляй в “Чио-Чио-сане”, или гордой Татьяны (“Евгений Онегин”), – я пою о человеке!”

Певица много гастролировала, выступая на самых престижных подмостках страны. Эти выступления Куляш познакомили мир с богатейшим музыкальным искусством Казахстана.

Правительство высоко оценило заслуги Куляш Байсеитовой. Она – дважды лауреат Государственной премии СССР (1948, 1949), неоднократно избиралась депутатом Верховного Совета КазССР, была членом комитета по присуждению Госпремий, являлась организатором и бессменным руководителем Казахского театрального общества, участвовала в работе II Всемирного Конгресса сторонников мира, награждена орденом Ленина и орденом Трудового Красного Знамени.

Казахстанцы чтят память о Куляш: ее именем названа улица в Алматы, одна из специальных музыкальных школ южной столицы тоже носит ее имя, раз в 4 года проводится конкурс вокалистов имени К. Байсеитовой, и открывшийся в Астане новый оперный театр тоже назван именем выдающейся певицы.

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Achieve Success with Us!

By | Alem – support of young talents

Achieve Success with Us! Employees of [b]Saby Charitable Foundation continue their search of young and talented people in all regions of Kazakhstan with the aim to give a helping hand, when they need it so much, expecting university entrance. Within the framework of Alem Program talented young people are awarded with grants of the Foundation for education in the best educational institutions of the country as well as near and far abroad.

But the present is not simple; having studied and gained prestigious diploma young people should do their duty working for the benefit of people and our country.

On the eve of May holidays our employee visited South Kazakhstan region in search of new “Alem” Participants. As you know champions often become natives of villages and distant regions, those who are not afraid to be in smooth water to achieve success in life.

Pupils of several schools of Aksukent village and Shymkent city waited with impatience for the visit of a representative of the Foundation to show him/her their talents and to fill up the form, which, perhaps, will change their fortune and become a ticket to the world.

We would like to remark that after such meetings the number of participants of Alem Program is increased and completed with new names. We hope that this time our experts, having examined resume of children, will find among them dignified representatives of future Kazakhstan.



Қазақ тілі
